Sumedha Sadhana
Our next programme at Sumedha Centre (October 01-November 19, 2009)
Sumedha Sadhana is an inner journey in quest of greater healing and wholeness, designed to help participants live more fulfilling and satisfying lives and be more effective in their service to others.
Participants begin from where they are, looking at what is happening on their psycho-spiritual journey. They try to discern what God might be telling them through all that is happening in their lives. They look at their spirituality and religious life commitment in the context of changing paradigms. They explore the quintessential Midlife Dynamics of identity (who they are), intimacy (how they integrate sexuality, affectivity and inter-personal relations) generativity (how they work and nurture future generations), integrity (how they make sense of and bring coherence to the whole of their life). They seek to better understand the impact of human sexuality and affectivity on their celibate commitment. They explore particularly the nature and challenge of celibate friendships. They explore spirituality of the body, and the phenomenon of stress and burnout. They seek to understand and appreciate the role of sacred scripture and faith traditions in promoting well-being and enhancing the spiritual journey. In group therapy they have the opportunity to discover their unhelpful patterns of living and relating and experience attitudinal and behavioural changes that facilitate healing and growth. They move toward greater psycho-spiritual integration through reclaiming their shadows, healing their hurts and reconciling unresolved issues from the past. This integrative process culminates in and concludes with a directed spiritual retreat.
Insights from various psychological theories of development, particularly Eriksonian, Attachment, Object Relations and Self Psychology as well as tools and techniques from Psychosynthesis, Intensive Journal and Jungian psychology and various expressive arts and media tools will be used to explore and enhance participants’ psycho-spiritual journey.
Sumedha Sadhana provides theoretical input as well as opportunities for participants to reflect on their experiences and to share them with one another and for personal and common prayer. It is hoped that through this four-fold dynamics of Input, Introspection, Interaction, and Prayer they gain a deeper feel for the psychological dynamics operating on their spiritual journey and integrate these to develop a healthier self so that they can experience greater wholeness and fruitfulness as they continue their journey into the Mystery that is God.
(Participant age limit: 30 to 60 years)
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