Wednesday, September 21, 2016


The Director of Sumedha Centre, Jose Parappully, facilitated a four-day Workshop for the Sisters of the Society of the Helpers of Mary at Atmasadhana, the Generalate of the Society at Andheri West, Mumbai from 14-17, September 2016. 

There were 60 sisters participating including current and former Provincial Superiors.

The title of this interactive workshop was “Midlife Dynamics and the spiritual Journey.”

The topics covered during the workshop included Midlife Dynamics, Psychosexual and Celibate Integration, Love and Friendship on the Celibate Journey, Midlife and God’s Second all, and a Spirituality for the Post-Midlife Years.

Participants reported that they found the workshop immensely useful. The workshop provided much useful information, provided answers to their many questions and helped them understand their experiences. It helped them  accept themselves and their experiences and re-orient their priorities for the post-midlife years.

A common opinion expressed by participants was that had this workshop been offered them a few years earlier it would have helped them even more. They could have understood what was happening to them when it was happening and helped avoid confusion and needless anxiety and distress.

At the same having gone through these experiences they were able to better understand what was presented.

The topics that were found more helpful by most participants were Celibacy and Chastity, Celibate Friendships and Spirituality for the Post-Midlife Years.

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