Tuesday, May 29, 2018

SUMEDHA DHYANA (Spiritual Retreat) concludes

The 10th Sumedha Dhyana (Spiritual Retreat) concluded on 29th May, 2018. It commenced on May 22. There were 10 participants -  six women and four men.

Sumedha Dhyana, a spiritual retreat designed as a desert journey modelled on the experience of Jesus in the desert  (Mark 1, 12-13) provides participants an opportunity to spend time in the metaphorical desert around the Word of God to experience “Wilderness & Paradise,” to encounter their “inner demons” and their “ministering angels,” to renew the love, the enthusiasm and the passion they had at the beginning of their vocational journey (Rev. 2, 4 ), to recognise their helplessness and surrender in faith and trust to a loving God who calls them to deep intimacy with him (Hosea 2, 16-17) which in turn leads to transformation of their self and their ministry in powerful ways (1Kings 19, 1-8).

The Retreatants expressed immense satisfaction with the Retreat. A general comment was: This is a different kind of retreat than what we are used to. This retreat really helped us to go deep within ourselves and experience intimacy with God in prayer.

The Retreat was facilitated by Dr. Jose Parappully, the Director of the Centre.

The Centre normally holds one Spiritual Retreat a year. The next one is tentatively scheduled for June 1-8, 2019.

for information, contact: sumedhacentre@gmail.com

Saturday, May 26, 2018


The 9-week-long 37th Sumedha Sadhana – A Psychospritual Wholeness Journey - concluded on May 16.  The programme had begun on March 15.

There were 15 participants from India and abroad (Thailand and Malaysia). The participants were extremely satisfied with the programme.

There were four main modules in this programme.

Psychological Dynamics on the Spiritual Journey

In the module “Psychological Dynamics on the Spiritual Journey” Dr. Jose Parappully explored with the participants the following topics: Holistic and Mature Spirituality, Cultivating Contemplative Prayerfulness, Psychosexual and Spiritual Integration at Midlife and Post-Midlife Dynamics and the Spiritual Journey.

Women’s and Feminist Spirituality

In “Women’s and Feminist Spirituality” Dr. Shalini Mulackal explored the meaning and salient characteristics of spirituality from women’s perspective. She helped participants look critically at some of the popular images of traditional Christian spirituality, the process of masculinisation of women’s spirituality, and religion’s subjugation of women.

Unconscious Dynamics and the Spiritual Journey

In “Unconscious Dynamics and the Spiritual Journey” Dr. Johny Dominic helped participants explore the dynamics behind the helplessness that they often experience in not being able to do what they want and doing what they do not want.  Using concepts from Freudian, Jungian, NLP and Transactional Analysis theories he helped them unleash the powers of the unconscious to facilitate healing and wholeness.

Personality and Spirituality

In “Personality and Spirituality” Dr. Ajoy Fernandes, working from a Jungian perspective, helped participants explore especially their identity and understand their personality type and its implications for their spiritual journey, and helped them move toward greater personal integration by exploring and owning their persona and shadow and integrating their animus/anima.

Group Therapy
Participants were provided opportunity for further healing and transformation through group therapy. In the atmosphere of freedom, caring and trust that the group provided, they were helped to face their brokenness and their fears, their defences and their unhelpful patterns of living and relating, and to move toward greater healing and wholeness by adopting and practising healthier attitudes and behaviours. Johny Dominic and Jose Parappully facilitated this healing and transformational process.

Integrative Retreat
This Sumedha Sadhana concluded with an 8-day spiritual retreat in which participants were able to bring together and integrate all their experiences up to then in prayer and reflection around the Word of God. Jose Parappully facilitated this process.

The Sumedha Process
The process followed in the Sumedha Sadhana was very experiential. It used a four-fold methodology of Input, Introspection, Interaction, and Intercession to provide the participants a greater awareness and understanding of the psychological dynamics operating on their spiritual journey and integrate these to develop a healthier self.

Music, movies, outings and picnics and celebrations made the Sumedha experience very enjoyable, as well as meaningful and fruitful.

Feedback from Participants
Participants in general were extremely satisfied with the programme – the module, the facilitators, the processes followed, and the environment at the Centre. They left the Centre feeling that their goals had been achieved. Some said they received much more than they had expected. Some typical comments:

“The programme was very enriching – the place, the facilitators…. I am very happy and contended. I feel I am renewed and my goal was realized.”

“The programme on the whole took me to my inner depths. Each module was designed to ensure that this journey will take us inward.”

 “The content and the process were very useful because they helped me to understand myself deeply.”

“It was helpful for me to grow spiritually, psychologically and emotionally in daily life.”

 “The Retreat was a powerful God experience and on the whole I think it has made me a compassionate person.”

“As a whole it was a wonderful time of personal discovery and spiritual growth and healing.”
“It was really a rejuvenating time for me.”

“The place, class, liturgy, movies, meditations, therapy, retreat, outings, company of friends all helped me.”

“Excellent, enjoyed!”

The next 9-week Sumedha Sadhana begins on June 1 and concludes on August 2. Just foujr seats left! Those interested, please apply immediately.

Friday, May 11, 2018


Two important and closely-related modules facilitated during April 2018 as part of the 9-week-long (March 15-May 16) Sumedha Sadhana – A Psychospiritual Wholeness Journey" were: 1) the  "Unconscious Dynamics and the Spiritual Journey” facilitated by Dr. Johny Dominic Padinjar, the Assistant Director of Sumedha Centre and 2) “Jungian Perspectives on the Spiritual Journey” facilitated by Dr. Ajoy Fernandes, Director of Prafulta Mental health Services in Matunga, Mumbai.

Johny Dominic helped participants explore the dynamics behind the helplessness that they often experience in not being able to do what they want and doing what they do not want.  Using concepts from Freudian, Jungian, NLP and Transactional Analysis theories he helped them unleash the powers of the unconscious to facilitate healing and wholeness.

Working from a Jungian perspective Ajoy Fernandes helped participants explore especially their identity and understand their personality type and its implications for their spiritual journey, and helped them move toward greater personal integration by exploring and owning their persona and shadow and integrating their animus/anima.

Both these modules and the module facilitators were very much appreciated by the participants. The modules provided participant’s much awareness about themselves, particularly regarding their defense mechanisms and their shadows.

During this period the the General Councilor of the Salesians of Don Bosco for South Asia, Rev. Fr. Maria Aroka Kanaga SDB visited Sumedha Centre. He interacted with the Sumedha Participants and along with them planted a sapling to encourage ecological sensitivity and care – something that is part and parcel of the spirituality explored and practices at Sumedha Centre.