Sunday, April 28, 2019


The Indian Missionary Society  was again ate Sumedha Centre, this time the Provincial Council of the Varanasi Province, again for a Team Building programme. Again, the facilitator of the programme was Dr. Jose Parappully, Director of the Centre.

The programme was held from April 24 to 28, 2019.

That the programme was a very successful one was evident from the feedback: "Whatever outcomes we had set before us, we were able to realize." and "We came here as individuals, we go back as a team."

The six participants found the training immensely successful. What was found most helpful were the very practical experiential exercises that followed the Inputs from the facilitator.

Participants gained self-awareness and knowledge of the important dynamics that make a team effective and were able to evaluate themselves and the Council's functioning on these criteria, analyse situations in the Province, identify areas and issues that needed to be addressed and plan immediate and long action.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


Holy Saturday was the "in-between time." Easter is "the real thing!" - an extraordinary, unique, unrepeatable event, a death and a resurrection from the dead that had a profound transformative impact on society.

Wish that we all share in and contribute to the transformation of society, a cause for which Jesus was crucified by the Powers-Be who love to maintain the statusquo - control and oppression of people to maintain power and serve their self-interests.
When we contribute to the coming of the "Kindom" - not "Kingdom" of God -- Easter becomes meaningful, otherwise it remains just a celebration of a Memory.
May we all experience the newness, the transformation Easter represents - and symbolized by the Easter Egg.

Friday, April 19, 2019


Holy Saturday - Dead End! Endless Night!
The story has ended, dreams shattered, only memories of blighted hopes!
Holy Saturday - Emptiness, Meaninglessness, Hopelessness.
Holy Saturday - Dark Silence!
Holy Saturday - the long Sabbath of Silent Waiting, Sabbath of Incredulous Not Knowing...

In that Waiting something profound is being birthed, a brighter future is being shaped, but that birthing and that future are far from our consciousness, because our consciousness is flooded with images of failure, disappointment, Ending! That's all we are aware!
"...there is sunshine after the rain,
there is laughter after the pain!"

"As the crowds were appalled on seeing him -- so disfigured did he look that he seemed no longer human -- so will the crowds be astonished at him, ... for they shall see something never told and witness something never heard before: (Isaiah, 52-14-15)

"He has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us; he has struck us down, but he will bandage our wounds; after a day or two he will bring us back to life, on the third day he will raise us and we shall live in his presence" (Hosea, 6, 1-2)

Friday, April 12, 2019

Journal Article and Book Chapter

Dr. Jose Parappully, Director of Sumedha Centre, recently had an article entitled "Personality Dimensions of Church Leaders" published in Jnanadeepa - Pune Journal of Religious Studies.

He also has a Chapter entitled "Transforming Trauma Into Gift: Spirituality, Religious Belief and the Search for Meaning" in the book "Surviving on the Edge: Psychosocial Perspectives on Violence and Prejudice in India" just published by Sage/Yoda Press.

Monday, April 8, 2019


The General Council of the Indian Missionary Society (IMS) attended at three day (April 3-5, 2019) Team Development programme at Sumedha Centre.

The programme was facilitated by Dr. Jose Parappully, Director of Sumedha Centre.

The focus of the programme was on building a more cohesive team. Time was also spent in evaluating team performance and choosing priority goals and plan of action for the next six years.

The Council found the programme immensely useful and appreciated the methodology used and the style of facilitation.

The Council was also very appreciative of the welcome, hospitality as well as the congenial environment at Sumedha Centre.

Saturday, April 6, 2019



Dr. Jose Parappully, Director of Sumedha Centre facilitated the Post-General Congregation Province Assembly of the Northern Province of the Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary from 28 February to March 4, 2019.

The Assembly was held at Presentation School, Old Delhi, a beautiful campus close to the Old Delhi Railway Station. There were 43 participants.

Dr. Parappully had worked for more than a month with the Leadership Team of the Presentation Sisters preparing for the Assembly.

The Assembly focused on for themes that were part of the New Directions provided by the General Congregation 2018: Living Contemplatively, Being in Communion, Prophetic Witness and Decisions and Commitments.

The meticulous preparation for the Assembly, the highly professional style facilitation were very much appreciated. All were immensely satisfied with the process and outcome of the Assembly.


Dr. Parappully facilitated two three day programmes on “Aging Gracefully” for the southern province Sisters of the Little flower of Bethany ate their Provincial house in Kozhikode.

The programmes were held on 8-10 March and 12-14 March, 2019. Participants were Sister above 55 years. There were 28 Sisters for the first programme and 23 sisters for the second programmes.

Participants of both programmes found them immensely helpful. They appreciated the wealth of information shared and the tools and processes for Aging Gracefully that were presented, as well as the opportunities provided for the sisters to look at share their aging experiences.


The third outreach programme was Psychological Assessment of 13 Junior Sisters of the Nagpur province of the Good Shepherd Sisters.

The programme was held at the Jesuit run Dhyana Ashram in Chennai between 27th March and April 1st.

The participants found the Assessment very helpful in enhancing their self-understanding.


The fourth programme that Dr. Parappully facilitated was a two-day seminar on the Spirituality of Sexuality for 12 sisters engaged in the Family Apostolate.

The programme was organized by FRATRI Family Apostolate Centre run by the Holy Family Sisters of the New Delhi Province at Gurugram, Haryana.

There were Sisters from three different religious Congregations.

Participants found the seminar very informative and helpful.