1. (SS-22) Sumedha Sadhana (A Psychospiritual Wholeness Journey) (10
March 1- May 9
2. (SS-23) Sumedha
Sadhana (A Psychospiritual
Wholeness Journey) – (7 weeks)
May 20-June 30
3. (SD-8)
Sumedha Dhyana (Retreat Exclusively for former Sumedha participants 2003-2008)
July 12- 21
4. (SD-9)
Sumedha Dhyana (Retreat Exclusively for former Sumedha participants 2009-2012)
July 25- August 3
5. (SM-08)
Midlife Dynamics and the Spiritual Journey (3 weeks)
August 11-31
6. (SS-24) Sumedha
Sadhana (A Psychospiritual
Wholeness Journey) (10 weeks)
September 22- November 30
Sumedha Sadhana
Description: This
is an inner journey in quest of greater healing and wholeness. Participants
begin from where they are, looking at what is happening on their spiritual
journey. They then move on to explore the psychological
dynamics that
affect their spirituality and integrate them in healthy ways to create more
satisfying and more productive life patterns.
Course Content: Holistic,
Process & Formative Spiritualities; Cosmic, Creation & Feminist
Spiritualities; Religious & Community Life; Prayerfulness & Healthy
Emotional Life; Midlife Dynamics & the Spiritual Journey; Identity & Vocational
Commitment; Intimacy, Celibacy & Sexuality; Generativity, Stress &
Burnout; Shadows & Subpersonalities; Trauma, Healing & Reconciliation;
The Universe story, Jesus Story and Our Story -- are some of the major topics
that will be explored. Special place is given to group
therapy where
participants have the opportunity to face their brokenness and fears, their
unhelpful patterns of living and relating and move on to healing and wholeness.
The programme concludes with a directed retreat.
Tools & Techniques: Insights
from Christian faith and wisdom traditions, various psychological theories of
development, as well as experiential tools and techniques from Psychosynthesis,
Intensive Journal, Expressive Arts, multi-media, prayer & meditation
practices, and Sacred Scripture are used to explore and enhance one’s
psychospiritual journey. (Age limit: 30-60 years)
Sumedha Dhyana
Sumedha Dhyana is an experiential and interactive approach to awareness,
exploration, healing and transformation on the spiritual path. This spiritual
retreat provides participants an opportunity to take a good look at what spirituality means to them, what their
ways of living their chosen spiritual paths have done to them, examine whether
their spiritual beliefs and practices are life-enhancing or life-limiting, and
to take remedial action by adopting healthier beliefs and practices. It is also
a time to heal their brokenness through Forgiveness and Reconciliation
and experience wholeness and integration by reclaiming their Shadows and
reaching out in compassion to their Inner Child. Process tools include Intensive Journal, expressive arts, guided
imagery, active imagination, aerobics, Sacred Scripture, prayer and meditation.
(Exclusively for former Sumedha Participants, 2003- 2008 and 2009-2012)
Midlife Dynamics
& The Spiritual Journey
midlife the meaning question looms large on our psychic horizon: What
does it all mean, anyway?
The quest for meaning leads to an inward
journey through
which we seek to embrace our self at new levels of awareness. We make a
journey into the past
to reconcile unresolved issues. We turn our eyes to the future, to consider how we want to live out
the rest of our lives. Midlife is a time when we question our
“dream”—who we
wanted to be, what we wanted to accomplish. It is a time when we question our commitments and consider their impact on our past, present and future. Sexuality, which has often been repressed,
rears its head and makes itself felt, often in troubling ways. Longing
for a close relationship
is awakened or intensifies. Our body experiences drastic hormonal
changes. Emotional awareness of one’s own mortality presents life in new perspectives. These
dynamics of midlife have a profound impact on our self-concept
and our spiritual journey
Content: At this
workshop we shall explore these psychological dynamics so as to deepen and
enrich our spiritual journey. We will particularly explore four midlife issues identity (who we are), intimacy (the role of affectivity and sexuality in our lives) generativity (how we work and nurture future generations), and integrity (how we make sense of the whole of our life). We will explore spirituality,
religious life, physical and emotional well-being, sexuality and celibacy, our hurts and our shadows in the context of shifting midlife perspectives and experiences.
Tools and
Techniques: In this
endeavour we will use the insights from various psychological theories of development, and from the medical sciences. Our inner process at this workshop will be enhanced by the
exploratory and healing techniques of the Intensive
Journal, Psychosynthesis, and Expressive Arts and
the power of meditation and prayer.
(Exclusively for former Sumedha Participants 2003-2012)
Panikulam MA (Trauma & Healing). Ajoy
Fernandes PhD (Jungian Approaches to Self-Awareness).
Gerard Alvarez MA (The Universe Story,
Jesus Story, Our Story – and the Word). Godfrey D’Sa MA, PGDC (Group Therapy). Joe Mannath PhD (Sexuality, Celibacy& Intimacy). Jose
Kuttianimattathil PhD (Core Transformation). Jose Parappully PhD (Therapy, Psychological and Midlife
Dynamics, Mature Spirituality, Religious and Community Life, Trauma & Healing,
Retreat). M. Goretti Kanakarathinam MA (Group
Therapy, Befriending our Emotions).
MC Abraham PhD (Group Therapy). Peter
Lourdes, PhD (Therapy). Shalini Mulackal PhD (Feminist & Women’s Spirituality).
For further information and
application form, please contact:
Sumedha Centre. Jeolikote.
P. O. Nainital Dist. Uttarkhand 263127