Offered 3 times in 2010
March 01-April 29; June 06-August 04; October 01 – November 29
Course Description: This is an inner journey in quest of greater healing and wholeness. Participants begin from where they are, looking at what is happening on their spiritual journey. They then move on to explore the psychological dynamics that affect their spirituality and integrate them in healthy ways to create more satisfying and more productive life patterns.
Course Content: Holistic, Process & Formative Spiritualities; Cosmic, Creation & Feminist Spiritualities; Religious & Community Life; Prayerfulness & Healthy Emotional Life; Midlife Dynamics & the Spiritual Journey; Identity & Vocational Commitment; Intimacy, Celibacy & Sexuality; Generativity, Stress & Burnout; Shadows & Subpersonalities; Trauma, Healing & Reconciliation; The Universe story, Jesus Story and Our Story -- are some of the major topics that will be explored. Special place is given to group therapy where participants have the opportunity to face their brokenness and fears, their unhelpful patterns of living and relating and move on to healing and wholeness. The programme concludes with a directed retreat.
Tools & Techniques: Insights from Christian faith and wisdom traditions, various psychological theories of development, as well as experiential tools and techniques from Psychosynthesis, Intensive Journal, Expressive Arts, multi-media, prayer & meditation practices, and Sacred Scripture are used to explore and enhance one’s psychospiritual journey. (Age limit: 30-62 years)
Resource Persons: Sr. Agnes Panilkulam MA, Fr. Ajoy Fernandes PhD, Br. Gerard Alvarez MA, Fr. Godfrey D’Sa MA, PGDC, Sr. Goretti Kanakarathinam MA, Fr. Joe Mannath PhD, Fr. Jose Parappully PhD, Sr. Lucy Jacob PhD, Fr. MC Abraham PhD, Fr. Peter Lourdes PhD
Book early. For further information and registration forms, contact:
Sumedha Centre. Jeolikote
Ph. 05942-224328. email: sumedhacentre@gmail.com