The first programme of 2010 is Sumedha Sadhana. It’s the 13th time we are having this programme. The programme began on March 1st and will go on till April 29th. There are 18 (the maximum number we can accommodate) participants representing 16 religious congregations.
The resource persons for this Sadhana include Jose Parappully PhD, Joe Mannath PhD, Agnes Panikulam MA, Ajoy Fernandes PhD, M. Goretti Kanakarathinam MA and Peter Lourdes PhD ( appearing in the order in which their Modules are held).
Sumedha Sadhana an inner journey in quest of greater healing and wholeness. Participants begin from where they are, looking at what is happening on their spiritual journey. They then move on to explore the psychological dynamics that affect their spirituality and integrate them in healthy ways to create more satisfying and more productive life patterns.
The next Sumedha Sadhana is from June 06 to August 04, 21010. Registration is in process. Contact: sumedhacentre@gmail.com
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