Sumedha Sadhana (Sept 25
– Dec 03) brought to conclusion the Sumedha programmes
for the year 2012. The Centre will remain closed for winter till March 2013.
The climax of the 70-day Sumedha Sadhana
were the 10-day Group Therapy and the 5-day Spiritual Retreat. Most participants observed that
these were the most transformative experiences they had at Sumedha.
Participants were divided into two groups
for group therapy. One group was led by Dr. MC Abraham
and the other by Dr. Peter Lourdes, both
highly qualified, yet very humane, professionals with years of experience as
psychotherapists. Their rich inputs as well as experiential exercises and their
gentle, sensitive approach to each one were found to be extremely helpful in
facilitating healing and transformation. The eight weeks of inner journey (see
previous blog postings for details) that preceded group therapy was also a
major factor.

Dr. Jose Parappully, the Director of Sumedha facilitated the spiritual retreat as a “desert journey.” Taking his cues from the late Henry Nouwen, he
helped the participants to experience the retreat as “wilderness” (the “wild
beasts” of St. Mark’s Gospel) and “paradise” (the “ministering angels”).
Besides the insights provided by rich inputs on the theme, praying with sacred
scripture, including a day of prayer and fasting alone literally out in the
wilderness helped participants to experience in a very bodily-felt way Jesus’
40-days in the desert, encountering their inner demons and experiencing the
intimate presence of God.
Some typical comments
from participants about their Sumedha Sadhana experience:
Sumedha Sadhana provided human,
spiritual, pastoral, physical, ecological, emotional, intellectual and
sociological understanding and growth… I am able to move forward with hope and
trust. I came here with a negative approach to
the course and self... Group therapy changed my life. Alex
I have got what I came for. The module on
spirituality helped me the most. It helped to deepen my quest for a felt sense
of the Divine at this point in my life… The spiritual atmosphere of Sumedha is
growth promoting. Although I came to learn, the spiritual journey gripped me
and led me to renewal and transformation. Celine
God brought me to Sumedha to heal me. My
lamp, whose oil had nearly run out and turned dim, has been replenished and the
lamp is burning bright again. Chavala
Sumedha programme helped me to accept
myself, recognise and reconcile with my ‘shadows,’ change my attitude toward
self and others, gain appreciation for prayer and scripture, develop more
positive attitude to life and feel empowered. Christina
Psycho-Spiritual healing and wholeness
journey was a well integrated course…. On the whole, it was a lovely and
wonderful experience for me… Welcome and hospitality was remarkable.
Accommodation, services and facilities were very good. All our needs were taken
good care of. The environment and the beautiful scenery were soothing and
refreshing. I got what I came for. Emy
Sumedha has brought me a new springtime.
I have grown deeper and discovered a new self… I feel vibrant, alive, having
touched the edge of divinity... The modules were well connected and the
facilitators were excellent. Group therapy was the best part of Sumedha Sadhana—a
moment of new birthing, new awareness of unhealthy ways of being and relating.
I take with me a totally transformed self. Gregory
As a whole this programme was very useful
and meaningful. It has been an important journey of my life, a great time which
I never thought possible. I went through a transformation… My life changed at
Sumedha … Every aspect of our needs were taken care of immediately, carefully. Onila
I am grateful for the grace of coming
over here. The programme was genuine and useful for me in every way. This is the best
programme…I came here stagnated and broken. My experiences here helped me to
transform my life and become an integrated person. Poornima
Sumedha Sadhana helped me to find true
meaning in my life and led me to clarity and maturity. It challenged me and
made me to begin de-constructing and re-constructing my life at this stage and
enter into a more meaningful and purposeful life as a celibate religious….. I
feel a kind of satisfaction that the purpose for which I came to this course
has been fulfilled. Reena
My stay at Sumedha is a memorable one… I
am able to renew myself both spiritually and psychologically. The meaningful
Eucharistic celebrations touched me…. The climax of the course was the Retreat…
The resource persons were wonderful with lots of experience …. Everything was
available for a comfortable stay. I appreciate the warm welcome, the
hospitality, the love and care I received during my stay here. Tresa
I needed to reflect on my life, discover
what went wrong and why and make corrections. Found the Sumedha programme very
useful for this…. It has provided a new light on my path. I feel more free and
happy. Gained courage and conviction. Varghese
I came to Sumedha with lots of anxiety,
fear, confusion, meaninglessness and stagnation. Sumedha experience banished
all these and completely changed my attitude toward self, people, God. My life
is really renewed. Vimala
I never experienced life like I did at
Sumedha. It was a time to clean up my life, throw the garbage out, experience
healing, gain new energy to move on… Waraporn
At the conclusion of the Sumedha Sadhana
the participants organised a very fine felicitation
function in which they expressed their appreciation to one another and
the staff, acknowledging especially the very fine contribution of the various
resource persons, all of whom they found to be “excellent.”
The next Sumedha Sadhana
is from March 12 to May 10th, 2013.