Thursday, March 29, 2018

Good Friday: Sunrise Way of the Cross at Sumedha

The Sumedhans gathered at sunrise on Good Friday at the foot of the Sumedha Hill to begin their Way of the Cross.

Starting with the First Station at the foot of the hill they went up the winding footpath, carrying a heavy wooden Cross,  to the top of the hill where there is a sculpture of Calvary - Jesus on the Cross and Mary his Mother and John his disciple stand grieving.

The fourteen Stations of the Cross are marked with a Cross along the footpath leading to Calvary.

The Way of the Cross used today, based on Sacred Scripture and a meditative reflection on the realities of our every world of suffering, was specially composed by Dr. Jose Parappully, Director of the Centre.

"Good Friday: ...The story has apparently ended. Whatever hopes Jesus had evoked  have been shattered.... Remember the words of the disillusioned disciples on the road to Emmaus: "We had hoped..." (One of the saddest phrases in Sacred Scripture) Now there is only a great silence, the silence of the tomb..."

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