Sunday, April 28, 2019


The Indian Missionary Society  was again ate Sumedha Centre, this time the Provincial Council of the Varanasi Province, again for a Team Building programme. Again, the facilitator of the programme was Dr. Jose Parappully, Director of the Centre.

The programme was held from April 24 to 28, 2019.

That the programme was a very successful one was evident from the feedback: "Whatever outcomes we had set before us, we were able to realize." and "We came here as individuals, we go back as a team."

The six participants found the training immensely successful. What was found most helpful were the very practical experiential exercises that followed the Inputs from the facilitator.

Participants gained self-awareness and knowledge of the important dynamics that make a team effective and were able to evaluate themselves and the Council's functioning on these criteria, analyse situations in the Province, identify areas and issues that needed to be addressed and plan immediate and long action.

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