Saturday, December 24, 2022



At Christmas we celebrate the embodiment in human flesh and blood of the eternal, primordial Spirit that is Pure Energy of Love.

The purpose of that embodiment is expressed in the Angels' announcement: Peace on Earth.

What is this peace? In my view, it is a state of affairs in which every human being can enjoy "the abundance of life" that the adult Jesus promised. "I have come that you may have life, life in its abundance" (John 10, 10)

This abundance of life becomes reality, when each of  us makes space in our hearts for everyone  and everything, for all created reality, excluding no one and nothing. We are able to do this when we fill our hearts with with love that will break down every barrier that keeps humanity and nature fragmented. This is the "Kingdom of God" for the establishment of which Jesus lived and for which he was killed by the domination powers of the day- religious and political.

We join Jesus to "make everything new" (Revelation, 21, 5) (ourselves first!) and contribute to the coming of God's Kingdom, by filling our hearts with love, excluding hatred and discrimination and becoming instruments of peace. to do this, we first make space in our heart for the Pure Energy of Love, whose embodiment we celebrate today, allowing it to flood it and transform it, making us new..

I have remembered all you who read this message and your families during the Midnight Mass.

Happy Christmas to you all from Sumedha Centre. Blessings!

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